Dienstag, 31. Januar 2012

„Arabesken der Revolution. Zornige Tage in Tunis, Kairo...“

Mi 01.02.2012    20 h
Zürich, Rote Fabrik, Fabrikgespräche, Seestrasse 395
„Arabesken der Revolution. Zornige Tage in Tunis, Kairo...“
Lesung und Diskussion zum arabischen Frühling
Mit der Schriftstellerin Salwa Bakr (Ägypten), dem Filmemacher Lassaad Dkhili (Tunesien) und dem Herausgeber und Co-Autor Roland Merk (Basel & Paris)
Moderation: Alfred Hackensperger, Wochenzeitung WOZ.
>>mehr dazu
Ein "west-östlicher Divan" zu den Revolutionen in Tunesien und Ägypten. Die Auswahl literarischer und essayistischer Texte dokumentiert, wie Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller aus dem arabischen Raum und aus dem Westen den arabischen Frühling erlebt haben.
"Packend sind schliesslich die sehr persönlichen Erfahrungsberichte im Buch «Arabesken der Revolution» ... Diese Stimmen zur Kenntnis zu nehmen, sollte Pflicht sein für alle, die sich für den arabischen Aufbruch interessieren."
Beat Stauffer, Beilage "Bücher am Sonntag", NZZ am Sonntag

Quran, chapter 72: The Jinn

 Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was praying and a group of jinn was around and they came to listen to his recitation of the Quran, then Allah The Exalted revealed  another chapter of Quran called Al-jinn talking about what happened in this event  (Quran: surah Al jinn chapter 72)

Allah The Exalted says.....


The True Story of Jesus Son of Mary (pbuh)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

 (44) (And remember) when the angels said: O Mary! Lo! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a word from him, whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, illustrious in the world and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near (unto Allah).

World’s Oldest Bible available online

The world’s oldest known Christian Bible is now online — but worryingly for Christians, the 1,600-year-old text doesn’t match the one you’ll find in churches today!
The British government bought most of the pages of the ancient manuscript in 1933,
Discovered in a monastery in the Sinai desert in Egypt more than 160 years ago, the handwritten Codex Sinaiticus includes two books that are not part of the official New Testament and at least seven books that are not in the Old Testament.

Prophet Adam Alayhissalam Was 90 Feet Tall

There is but one allusion to giants in the Qur'an, namely to the tribe 'Ad who are spoken of as men "with fifty statures" (Surah lxxxix 6), and the commentator Shah 'Abdu 'l-Aziz of Delhi, says they were men of not less the twelve yards in stature. According to a tradition in the Kitabu 'sh-Shafah by the Qazi 'Ayaz(p 65), Adam was sixty yards in height. In the Ghiyasu 'l-Lughah, a giant named Uj is mentioned who was born in the days of Adam and lived until the time of Moses, a period of 3500 years, and that he was so high, that the flood in the days of Noah only reached to his waist. There are traditions and stories of giants whose graves exist unto the present day, throughout the whole of Persia.

Tears of Gaza / Tränen von Gaza - Deutscher Untertitel - Full Doku

The Mahdiand 2012 and the bright Star